Rattlers OWN IT during the month of October
We want ALL Rattlers to learn about the options and opportunities after high school. College & Career Kickoff Day (CCKO) is a state-wide event celebrating and promoting College & Career Readiness! This year, we are going to use the month of October to highlight information by grade level. We will have guests from various colleges and career sectors at lunch each Wednesday to have open booths available to connect to all students. See the calendar of events below. Let's OWN IT, Rattlers!
Optional College & Career Readiness Exams
Students may sign up for optional college and career readiness exams administered on Thursday, October 12th. You have from August 21-September 1st to sign up for the October exam so we can submit your test order. Please see the descriptions of the two optional exams below. Students will need their Chromebooks for the exam.
10-11th Grade: College Readiness PSAT Optional Sign UpThe Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test & National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a good practice for the SAT, provides AP Potential, and can enter you into the National Merit Scholarship Program. It is useful for state testing preparation, as well as college entrance. Results will show you areas of strength and weakness, as well as provide customized practice for SAT preparation through Khan Academy. (Approx. 4 hours)
Results are available in December, and counselors will do PSAT presentations in January with students to explain their results and link them to free, customized Khan Academy SAT prep based on their results. |
10-12th Grade: Career Readiness ASVAB Optional Sign UpArmed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. Taking in high school can help with career exploration, not necessarily military entrance. (Approx. 2 hours)
12th Grade: College & Career Entrance & PreparationWeek 1: October 2-6 through English & Social Studies Classes
Senior Rattlers will focus on college entrance by working with teachers, counselors, and college representatives to complete workshops on FAFSA, scholarships, and college applications. Students will need their fully charged Chromebook and the items from the Senior Checklist for the workshops.
9th Grade: College & Career Readiness with HS Planning FocusWeek 2: October 10-13 through English & Living Earth classes
Freshmen Rattlers will focus on developing four-year plans, exploring college and career inventories, and developing goals for high school to prepare for success. Students will need their fully charged Chromebook to access the CCGI portal. |
10th Grade: Career Readiness with Post-Secondary ExplorationWeek 3: October 16-20 through English & Social Studies Classes
Sophomore Rattlers will explore careers and learn about post-secondary options. Students will take a career assessment to gain an understanding of interest, skill, and talent. Students will need their fully charged Chromebook to access the CCGI portal. 11th Grade: College Readiness with Post-Secondary ExplorationWeek 4: October 23-27 through English & Social Studies Classes
Junior Rattlers will explore post-secondary options in detail based on career interest. Students will learn about financial aid options and reflect on their progress of their four-year plans. Students will need their fully charged Chromebook to access the CCGI portal. |
CCGI: California Colleges Guidance Initiative