Attention Students & Parents/Guardians: Please use this information to prepare for AP testing procedure and protocol. College Board regulates the specifications and administration of Advanced Placement (AP) examinations. Use the AP Planner (MyAP) portal for exam preparation and exam registration.
Please see your AP teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding AP testing. |
Important Dates and Deadlines for 2023-24
Now - Dec 15: Proof of Eligibility for students who qualify for fee reduction due to Ms. Ballard's office. Information coming soon.
November 3, 2023: Deadline to register for AP exam(s) via the AP Planner (MyAP) portal. PSUSD will be covering the exam cost this year, but students are subject to additional fees (late, cancellation, no-show). May 6-17, 2024: AP Testing Administration: see calendar below for exam dates by subject. July 2024: Scores are tentatively available through the AP Planner (MyAP) portal. |
Please get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast or lunch, and come in confident!
OWN IT, Rattlers!
OWN IT, Rattlers!