RMHS is a working partnership of students, parents, staff and community members who effectively communicate to meet the educational needs of its students.
Parent and Community Responsibility – to achieve academic and social success, opportunities are available to:
RMHS is a professional learning community that ensures that all students learn at high levels through a collaborative culture and an ambitious vision for student success. With these responsibilities and assurances, RMHS has 3 parent and student councils/committees that help guide decisions made for RMHS.
District Parent Advisory/Councils:
Parent and Community Responsibility – to achieve academic and social success, opportunities are available to:
- Actively participate in the student’s education to increase student attendance, participation, and enhance student/community involvement;
- Become familiar with the school community to ensure that each student is actively engaged in learning and taking advantage of the available academic, career technical, athletic, extra-curricular, and support programs;
- Become familiar with district and state graduation requirements, college entrance requirements, and essential skills that foster career success;
- Develop partnerships between the business, government, and school community;
RMHS is a professional learning community that ensures that all students learn at high levels through a collaborative culture and an ambitious vision for student success. With these responsibilities and assurances, RMHS has 3 parent and student councils/committees that help guide decisions made for RMHS.
District Parent Advisory/Councils:
- African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)
- District English Learner Advisory Committe (DELAC)
- Latino Parent Advisory Council (LPAC)
- Native American Parent Advisory Council (NAPAC)